2021特岗教师面试试讲教案:《What are the shirts made of?》(初中英语)



试讲教案:What are the shirts made of?(初中英语)


1.Knowledge objectives:

Students can master the new words and phrases,such as:be made of,be made in……

Students can know about the structure and usage of the passive voice in the simple present tense.

2.Ability objectives:

Students can use the phrases correctly in daily life,such as:be made of,be made in……

3.Emotion objectives:

Students strengthen their confidence in learning English.

Students can learn to cooperate with others.



Students can know the differences between the phrases“be made of ”and“be made in”.

Students can use the new words and phrases correctly.


How to distinguish and master the phrases“be made of ”and“be made in”.

Students can master the usage of passive voice in simple present tense.


Step 1 Presentation

Activity 1 Talking

Show students some pictures. Review words and learn some new ones.

T:What are those in the pictures?

S1:A T-shirt,a pair of trousers,a blouse……

Activity 2 Learning

Learn the new structure.

T:Do you know what the T-shirt is made of?(pause)It is made of cotton. What is this table made of?

S2:It is made of wood.

T:Well done. What is this floor made of?

S3:It is made of stone.

T:Yes,you are so clever. Wher is the pen made?

S4:It is made in Zhejiang.


Step 2 Practice

Activity 1 Making dialogues

Ask students to make dialogues,talking about stuff near them.


A:Your coat is beautiful. What’s it made of?

B:It is made of cotton.

A:And wher is it made?

B:It is made in Guangzhou.


Activity 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

Tim:Hi,Lucy. Your_____is so nice. What is it made of?

Lucy:Thank you. It is_____of cotton. It is made in Suzhou.

Tim:Oh,that is very nice. Do you know what this T-shirt_____?

Lucy:It is made of_____.

Tim:Is it made in Guangzhou?

Lucy:Yes,you are right.

Step 3 Production

Activity 1 Watching and remembering

Ask students to watch a clip of video and memorize what are talked about,what they are made of and wher they are made.

Activity 2 Summarizing

Summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.

T:Write down what you have learnt according to the following hints.

I have learnt the following words:_____

I can make sentences with the words:_____

I can use the structure to talk about what things are made of :_____

I improve my English in_____.


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